Women’s Health Clinic

Women’s Health Clinic

A service for women by women – Service currently unavailable with Ella

Investigator Clinic understands the importance of preventative health. This is why we have introduced a weekly clinic dedicated to women’s health and the prevention of Cervical Cancers.

Did you know that Cervical screening prevents around 9 out of 10 cancers? The screening process is fast, simple and painless. If you’d like to know a bit more about Cervical Screening the Cancer Council have made a short information video you can see by clicking here.

Our weekly clinic is run by our qualified Registered Nurse, Ella Jurek. For more details, or to make an appointment, please contact us on 8683 0788.

If you want to find out more information on Cervical Cancer and prevention more information is available through the Cancer Council by clicking here.
